第5回 全国高校生英語ディベート大会 論題
The Debate Topic of the 5th AllJapanHigh School English Debate Tournament
NB: The wording or definitions of this topic may be modified before the actual announcement in June.
Japan should significantly relax its immigration policies.
The Definition of this debate topic:
1) "Significantly" should suppose that the immigration policy would approximately allow the total number of immigrants residing in Japan to exceed more than 10 million by the year 2060 (within 50 years). "Immigrants" in this sense, can either be naturalized citizens, permanent residents, or temporary residents who may go back to their homelands in a few years.
2) "Relax its immigration policies" should at least include the following four actions: a) granting working visas to foreign unskilled workers; b) accepting more refugees; c) making the immigration application and examination simpler and shorter; to accomplish these things, d) necessary adjustments should be made to the immigration bureau of Japan.
3) It is up to the Affirmative side to add plan details concerning social welfare / education targeting the immigrant families. However the workability (effect) of those additional plans must be proven by the Affirmative side. (Plans’ economical or social costs can obviously be used to make Disadvantage issues.)
4) Restriction of immigration against criminals / terrorists should be kept as the present law provides. Affirmative side cannot add restrictions that will counteract toward "relaxing" the immigration policy, such as “obligating Japanese language tests to the immigrants”.
5) The Negative team will defend the present immigration policy that is valid in June, 2010 (when this topic is announced). This means that, even if the actual Japanese Government should announce a policy close to the Affirmative position before the tournament in December, the Negative side should support the present immigration policies as they were in June.
1 「大幅」とは,日本に滞在する移民の総数が,2060年までに(50年間で)大体1000万人を越えるような政策をとると想定して議論することを指します。この定義での「移民」とは,海外で生まれ日本に帰化した市民,永住者,あるいは何年か母国に帰る在住者を含むことにします
2 「移民政策を緩和する」際には,次の4つのアクションは少なくとも含まれるものとします。a) 海外の単純労働者にも労働ビザを発給すること。b) 難民をもっと受け入れること。c) 入国手続きや審査を簡素化し,期間を短縮すること。以上を達成するため,d) 入国管理局の体制は適宜,整備されること。
3 肯定側は,移民の社会福祉や教育について,プランの詳細を付け足すことができます。もっとも,こうしたプランの詳細がどこまで機能するか(プランの効果)については肯定側が証明する必要があります(当然のことながら,プランの経済的・社会的コストは,弊害になりえます)。
4 犯罪者やテロリストの入国を防止する現状の移民制限は,そのまま継続することにします。肯定側は,移民政策の緩和に逆行するような入国制限などを付加すること,たとえば「入国者に日本語能力検定を課す」ことは許されません。
5 否定側は,(この論題の発表の時点である)2010年6月に通用している,日本の移民政策を継続することを支持して論じることにします。つまり,仮に実際の日本政府が肯定側に近い政策をとることを12月の大会前に発表したとしても,6月の時点での移民政策を支持して論じることにします。
The HEnDA committee needs your precious feedbacks.
Before the nationwide announcement expected in June, the topic wordings or definitions can be modified.
So please go ahead and do practice debates. If you thought that modifying the wording / definition would make the debate fairer or more interesting, please send us your thoughts to the HEnDA Committee (Mr Miyagawa) by April 15.
Email: miyajun@ha.shotoku.ac.jp
How this topic was chosen
The HEnDA committee selected five potential topic candidates from your suggestions, in early February, and called for public opinion poll whether you approve each candidate. The result of the poll was:
17 votes(1) Article 9, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution of Japan should be repealed.
27 (2) Japan should significantly relax its immigration policies.
23 (3) Japan should abolish the death penalty.
12(4) Japan should move its capital from Tokyo to the Gifu/Aichi area.
15 (5) English classes in Japanese high schools should be taught almost all
Totally there were 37 votes. Thus, considering that the 2nd topic candidate collected the most approval (73%), the committee picked the “immigration topic” to be the next years topic.
Thank you for your cooperation on each stage!
We hope this topic will stimulate great debates by the high school students!