ウインターカップ全国大会 online !
Model constructive Speech完成!
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ウインターカップの目的はもちろんMake Friends!
The purpose of the Winter Cup is to Make Friends!
Students who want to try debating,
teachers interested in judging,
We would like everyone to enjoy this tournament!
令和 4年11月 6日
各高等学校学長 様
各校英語ディベート担当教員 様
The 15th Winter Cup High School English Debate Tournament online
全国高校生英語ディベート大会 online 要項(予定)
8:00 役員集合 和光国際高校
8:15 点呼・開会式(メインル\ーム)8:50 第1試合
10:30 第2試合
12:00 昼 食
12:35 第3試合
14:25 第4試合
16:00 決勝戦
17:30 閉会式(メインルーム)
English should be excluded from university entrance examinations.
字句や定義は「全国高校生英語ディベート大会 online 」終了時を目処に検討します。
(Definitions (pending))
・The affirmative side shall be given priority to all related organizations and laws both at home and abroad to exclude English(or any other foreign language) from all regular university entrance examinations in Japan.
・English(or any other foreign language) as a subject for all regular university entrance examinations shall be banned.
・For university entrance examinations other than regular entrance examinations, qualifications/scores of English proficiency tests, such as EIKEN, can be used just like now. (However, the use of the qualifications/scores as part of the scores of regular entrance examinations, such as awarding extra points, and also the use of the qualifications/scores as qualifications to take the regular entrance examinations shall be prohibited.
The definition of "regular examinations"
We have divided university entrance examinations into two types in this debate, as is currently done in Japanese university entrance examinations.
(1) Regular(or General) Entrance Examinations: This type of examinations are given mainly in January, February, and March, in which the results are being determined almost solely by the scores of the written tests on the day of the exams. The Common Entrance Test for University Admission (so-called Kyotsu Tesuto) is also included in this category in this debate. About 80% of students at national and public universities, and nearly 50% of students at private universities are admitted through this regular(/general) entrance examination.
(2) Entrance examinations other than regular(/general) entrance examinations (recommendation examinations, AO examinations, and comprehensive selection-type (Sogogata senbatsu) entrance examinations):
The results of this type of examinations are determined not by the score of the written test, but mainly by document evaluation, interviews, and essays, and they are given mainly in October, November, and December. The number of students accepted through this type of entrance examination is increasing.
In the Winter Cup, as for (1), universities can neither require any written English examination at all, add points from the sores of external English examinations, nor require students to take external examinations to be eligible for the exams.
Regarding (2), the current situation remains the same. It is possible to measure English proficiency through documentary examination, interviews, essays, etc. Qualifications or scores from external examinations can be used for selection.
Q: 大学入試から英語を外すと言うことは、入試での外部4技能検定試験などの活用もしないということになりますか。もしくは大学が必要ならそれを要求することで実質的には英語力が問われると言うことになりますか。
A: 一般入試の科目としては一切禁止です。一般入試以外は現状通りです。
Q: If English is removed from university entrance exams, does that mean that external 4 skill tests and other tests will not be used in entrance exams? Or, if a
university requires, will they be used?
A: No, English will not at all be allowed as a subject for regular entrance exams. Except for regular entrance exams, the status quo will remain the
主 催: 埼玉県高等学校英語教育研究会 (高英研)
後 援: 埼玉県教育委員会
春日部高校 江森和也
Model Constructive Speech <AFFIRMATIVE> 肯定側立論
We strongly believe that English should be excluded from university entrance examinations. What will happen after adopting our plan? We have two advantages.
<AD1> メリット1
Foster better English communicators in the global economy.
<Present Situation> 現状分析
The National Center Test for University Admissions (大学入試センター試験) introduced the English listening test in 2006 aiming for a drastic transformation in how English is taught in Japan. In 2021, the test was revised and scores were set as 100 maximum for both reading and listening, and was renamed the Common Test for University Admissions (大学入学共通テスト). However, despite the changes in the entrance exam system and teaching and learning English in the classroom, Japanese English proficiency is still ranked as “low” according to the EF English Proficiency Index (2022). Japan is ranked 14th out of 24 countries in Asia. As for the TOEFL-iBT, the average score was 72, the lowest among 37 OECD nations.
<Effect> プラン採用からADが発生するまでのプロセス
After adopting our plan, teachers and students will be less pressured to focus solely on reading and listening to prepare for the Common Test for University Admissions. The present goals of English education in the Course of Study by MEXT (Ministry of Education Sports Science and Technology) mentions “developing students’ basic communication abilities in all four language skills, deepening understanding of language and culture, and fostering a positive attitude toward communication through foreign languages.” A research by Benesse (2021) has revealed that students with experience speaking and writing in English classes in high school have expressed positive attitudes and higher motivation in studying English. This will serve as an important baseline in language acquisition and attitude towards foreign languages in their future careers.
<Importance> ADの重要性
We are now living in an age of globalization. In order to foster better English communicators in the global economy, there is a need to revamp the present entrance examination system. Needless to say, entrance exams have a backwash effect, influence on the way students are taught, and have a strong impact on how students see English. By adopting a curriculum that focuses on current issues and broadens students' understanding of other cultures, students will be able to receive a more relevant and hands-on approach to English that will deeply impact their lives. English is a tool for communication and our plan will bring about positive outcomes in the future. This is very important.
<AD2> メリット2
Students will be evaluated from clear criteria.
<Present Situation> 現状分析
English is spoken all over the world. Even in Japan where it is not spoken as an official language, the demand for English speakers has been increasing in this global world. According to Benesse, practical English skills will be required at a higher level from now on. Therefore, more universities have been trying to require high school students to have those skills in university entrance examinations. They have been trying to evaluate students’ English skills from four English skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. However there are a lot of difficulties especially when they evaluate their speaking skills. According to Yomiuri Shimbun online, the university entrance examinations center failed in their plan to evaluate students’ speaking skills because of lack of interviewers and some concern of mistakes in marking. Also, The Japan News by Yomiuri Shimbun reported that Iwate Prefecture in 2004 introduced a speaking portion to its English test for public high school entrance examinations, but stopped it after just three years. Because the test was an in-person, one-on-one interview, students had lengthy waits, and interviewers were overworked. As shown in this example, it is hard to evaluate students’ speaking skills in entrance examinations.
<Effect> プラン採用からADが発生するまでのプロセス
After adopting our plan, English will be excluded from university entrance examinations, which will benefit both students and universities. In the case of other subjects such as Japanese and math, those tests are mainly paper-based tests. Therefore, by taking this plan, students will be admitted to their universities with confirmed and clear criteria.
<Importance> ADの重要性
English skills which will be required in this global world and the system of university entrance examinations do not match at all. Also, required practical English skills cannot be assessed in entrance examinations. This unmatched point will thrust the Japanese education system into a state of confusion. Furthermore, some universities and municipalities had adjusted their entrance examinations in order to evaluate students' speaking and writing skills. However, as they involve some difficulties in themselves, most of them failed in their plans. English as a subject for university entrance examinations will be a burden. However, entering university is a turning point. Such an event should be judged by clear criteria. This is very important.
For these reasons, we strongly believe that English should be excluded from university entrance examinations. Thank you for listening.
(AD evidence list:
Model Constructive Speech <NEGATIVE> 否定側立論
We strongly believe that English should not be excluded from university entrance examinations. What will happen after adopting their plan? We have two disadvantages.
<DA1> デメリット1
Students' motivation towards English learning would decrease.
<Present Situation> 現状分析
Students’ motivation towards English learning is very low. According to the survey done by Benesse Kyouiku Sougou Kenkyujyo in 2019, the percentage of students who like English classes gets smaller from the 6th grade to the 10th grade, year by year. On the other hand, it is obvious a lot of students do not want more English classes. For example, only 28.2% of students in high school want more English classes. Even looking at 6th graders, who are rather enjoying English classes, only about half want more English classes at elementary school. Furthermore, the survey done by Iizuna Shoten Monitor Room in 2020 shows 80% of 3rd grade high school students answer that their motivation towards English learning comes from the existence of English exams of university entrance exams.
<Effect> プラン採用からDAが発生するまでのプロセス
If English is excluded from the university entrance exams, students would lose their motivation towards English learning. Even the students who like English, less than half of them want more English classes than today. It means that if the entrance-exam system excludes English, it is obvious that most high school students avoid studying English and spend more time on preparing for other subjects for the exam. Also, high schools would meet the students’ needs. If so, they would surely end up including less English classes in their curriculums. On the other hand, a majority of students wish to be able to speak English. According to the same survey, 85.5 percent of 6th grade elementary students say they feel happy when they can communicate in English. Even high school students who have the lowest percentage of positive reaction, 79.9 percent of them answer they are happy when they communicate in English. Consequently, giving fewer opportunities for students to have experiences of feeling happy when communicating in English would lead to decreasing the motivation towards English learning even more.
<Importance> DAの深刻さ
This is very serious.It is true that people in Japan can live a comfortable life without using any English at all and that most people have no need of studying English up to a high level. However, we need to stop and think about the reason why schools in Japan actually have mandatory English classes. Learning another language is not only about the system or logic but how to get a broader perspective. Also, it is obvious people wish to be able to use English in the future, while their motivation towards learning is low. Though excluding English from the entrance exam of the university and having less English lectures in schools would not solve thetoday’s problems, or might make it even worse.
<DA2> デメリット2
Widen social disparities.
<Present Situation> 現状分析
University entrance examinations have a great impact on high school education. According to Akimasa Minamitani (2014), “English definitely has a great effect on secondary education as a subject for an entrance examination. Almost all high school students study English for entrance examinations (UQ).” In addition, Awesome Ars Academia said in 2020, “One of the problems with Japanese English education is that the purpose for learning English leans towards passing high school and university entrance examinations (UQ).” Therefore, many English teachers tend to spare more time to teach technical skills for passing entrance examinations.
<Effect> プラン採用からDAが発生するまでのプロセス
After adopting their plan, high school English teachers will surely change their teaching styles. According to Takako Nishino in 2011, “The reason why there is a gap between the beliefs and active services of English teachers lies in the effect of the teaching practice. Even though they agree with communicative language teaching, they recognize that they have various restrictions in teaching English such as the class size and the entrance examination of universities. (UQ).” In other words, the plan makes high school teachers of English change their teaching styles into more communicative ways contrary to how it is being taught currently. This means that the time for teaching difficult phrases and grammar will not be spared in the class. According to Jukupapa(2019),"Originally, the purpose of English education in Japan is for the students to reach a level where they can read an academic thesis in English(UQ). He also indicates, "That's why Japanese students can read an English thesis in such a short period of time. It might be good to strengthen a student’s four skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking), however, I'm afraid that the student’s comprehensive ability to understand English will still decline(UQ). Edu A in 2019, “Some parents are worried that their children will be one of the first students to experience the new university entrance examination system. They discuss the issue from the assumption that they should let their children go to cram schools in order to succeed in university entrance examinations (UQ).” The more parents worry, the more students go to cram schools.
<Importance> DAの深刻さ
This plan widens social disparities because the gap between the rich and the poor will be expanded after being adopted. Edu A in 2019 says, “Parents who have children preparing for entrance examinations for universities would feel uneasy whether they have advantages or disadvantages depending on the quality and quantity of information, regional areas and economical background in such a system that fairness should be kept when their children take university entrance examinations (UQ).This means that parents who are rich and wish their childrens' future success will take advantage of cram schools that teach technical skills for examinations.” In conclusion, the affirmative plan will cause social inequality. This is very serious. For these reasons, we strongly believe that English should not be excluded from university entrance examinations. Thank you for listening.
(DA evidence list:
※ The necessary information has already been given at the last meeting on January 29. You can also find it on this portal site below.
※ As for the debate topic, please click here: https://saitamainahocup.jimdofree.com/
直前ミーティング 1月29日(日)昼
Saitama Inaho Cup High School English Debate Contest Last minute meeting on January 29.
English should be excluded from university entrance examinations.
(Definitions )
・The affirmative side shall be given priority to all related organizations and laws both at home and abroad to exclude English(or any other foreign language) from all regular university entrance examinations in Japan.
・English(or any other foreign language) as a subject for all regular university entrance examinations shall be banned.
・For university entrance examinations other than regular entrance examinations, qualifications/scores of English proficiency tests, such as EIKEN, can be used just like now. (However, the use of the qualifications/scores as part of the scores of regular entrance examinations, such as awarding extra points, and also the use of the qualifications/scores as qualifications to take the regular entrance examinations shall be prohibited.
The definition of "regular examinations"
We have divided university entrance examinations into two types in this debate, as is currently done in Japanese university entrance examinations.
(1) Regular(or General) Entrance Examinations: This type of examinations are given mainly in January, February, and March, in which the results are being determined almost solely by the scores of the written tests on the day of the exams. The Common Entrance Test for University Admission (so-called Kyotsu Tesuto) is also included in this category in this debate. About 80% of students at national and public universities, and nearly 50% of students at private universities are admitted through this regular(/general) entrance examination.
(2) Entrance examinations other than regular(/general) entrance examinations (recommendation examinations, AO examinations, and comprehensive selection-type (Sogogata senbatsu) entrance examinations):
The results of this type of examinations are determined not by the score of the written test, but mainly by document evaluation, interviews, and essays, and they are given mainly in October, November, and December. The number of students accepted through this type of entrance examination is increasing.
In the Winter Cup, as for (1), universities can neither require any written English examination at all, add points from the sores of external English examinations, nor require students to take external examinations to be eligible for the exams.
Regarding (2), the current situation remains the same. It is possible to measure English proficiency through documentary examination, interviews, essays, etc. Qualifications or scores from external examinations can be used for selection.
2.IMPORTANT NOTES < 試合上の諸注意 >
① The scheduled times are only tentative. They are subject to change. Please check the main room, open chat, and portal site for the latest information. To save time, please start the match as soon as you are ready.
② During the match, everything must be done by only 4 (if you have only 3, then 3) debaters ; if more than 4 (3) debaters are involved, the team will be disqualified.
③ Debaters, judges, teachers, chairpersons, staff members, observers should put their names in English as follows.
Debaters →Team Name ( Role - Name ) Example: Urawa A (AC - Hamano)
ディベター → チーム名(役割-名前)例 UrawaA (AC-Hamano)
AC=Affirmative Constructive / NC=Negative Constructive
AA=Affirmative Attack / NA=Negative Attack
AD=Affirmative Defense / ND=Negative Defense
AS=Affirmative Summary / NS=Negative Summary
Judges → School Name(J-Name), Teachers →School Name(T-Name), Chairpersons → School Name(C - Name), Observers → School Name (O-Name)
ジャッジ → 学校名(J-名前)例 Omiya( J-Sato)
顧 問 → 学校名(T-名前)例 Kawagoe(T-Hayashi)
チェアパーソン → 学校名(C-名前)例 Urawa(C-Kobayashi)
役 員 → Staff(名前) 例 Staff(Maruhashi)
見学者 → 学校名(O-名前)例 Urawa(O-Obayashi)
④ On entering the debate room (eg. Debate Room 1), both teams should submit their member list like the example below to the Zoom chat.
ジャッジとディベーターがディベートルーム(例: Debate Room 1)に入ったら、両チームは下の例にあるようなメンバーリストをZoomチャットに提出してください。
例:Municipal Urawa A
AC: Urawa Hanako
AA: Saitama Taro
AD: Nihon Ken
AS: Kanto Ichiro
④ Judges and debaters should make sure that the right teams have entered your room, and that observers are properly displaying the name of their school and their name. If there are any suspicious visitors, tell them to leave the room, or contact the headquarters.
⑤ Judges and debaters should keep their cameras on during the match. Debaters should turn on their microphone only when they speak. Also, turn on the camera when your team introduce yourselves and when you listen to the judges make comments.
⑥ Please send the original sources of your evidence via ZOOM chat. It is recommended that you save them to Google Drive and send its URL. Please send the evidence of your Constructive Speech before the match starts. Judges are not necessarily Japanese speakers, so please provide English translations for Japanese.
⑦ The chairperson ( who also serves as the timekeeper ) should come from one of the teams. (If neither team cannot provide a chairperson, please ask someone in the room to be the chairperson, and if there is no one available, sorry, but we would ask one of the judges to be the chairperson).
⑧ Even if debaters finish their speeches or questions in the middle of the time allocated, do not stop the timer until the end of the time. Do not move on to the next stage.
Also, even when the time ends, debaters can finish the last sentence within ten seconds.
⑨ Everyone should return to the main room after each round.
3.To the Judges (For the Winter Cup)
① The Winter Cup is not a speech contest. Please do not decide the winner by the excellence of English itself, such as good delivery, accuracy of pronunciation, accent, or intonation. Rather, they should be evaluated in terms of communication points. To determine the winner, please compare Advantage with Disadvantage.
② Each judge will give each team a communication point with a maximum score of 5 points and a minimum score of 1. The communication point is based on how effectively each team communicates with the audience and judges. 3 is the average, 5 and 1 are exceptions. The team with the higher communication score is not necessarily the winner. The winning team is determined by comparing Advantage with Disadvantage as mentioned above.
③ The number of Advantages (Disadvantages) is limited to two. One Advantage/Disadvantage can have one process and one importance. If there are more than two Advantages (Disadvantages), please choose two and ignore the rest, based on your own judgment as a judge. In some cases, there may appear to be two, but in fact there are three or more, so be careful.
Advantage (Disadvantage) の数は2つまでです。また,1つのAdvantage (Disadvantage)はプロセスや重要性も1つです。もし2つ以上ある場合はジャッジのような先生のお考えで2つに絞って残りは無視してください。見かけ上2つでも実際は3つ以上である場合がありますので気をつけてください。
④ New Arguments and Late Arguments
It is against the rule to start new arguments in the middle of the match that is not related to the previous speeches. Please ignore them. (New Argument) It is also unfair to present an argument later in the match that should have been presented in the constructive speech. (Late Argument)
試合の途中から前のスピーチと関連しない新しい議論を出すことは反則です。無視してください。(New Argument)また本来立論で出すべき議論を試合の後半で出すこともフェアではありません。(Late Argument)
⑤ On entering your room (eg. Debate Room 1), have each team submit their member list to the Zoom chat and the main judge should paste it on the judges' sheet (one sheet for two judges) on the portal, and let them promptly exchange evidence. Please have one of the students be a chairperson, and if no one is available, we would ask one of the judges to be the chairperson. Also, check everyone in the room by the name displayed.
ディベート用の各ブレイクアウト・ルーム(例 Debate Room 1)に入室したらズームのチャットにメンバー表を提出させて、メインジャッジがポータルサイトにあるジャッジシート(2人で1枚)に貼り付けてください。そして速やかにエビデンスの交換をさせてください。どちらかのチームからチェアパーソンを出させてください。もし部屋の誰もできなければジャッジにひとりにお願いします。部屋にいる全員を表示名で確認してください。
⑥ After the match, please enter the breakout room (eg. Judge Room 1), where the judges will tell each other the results of the match while the main judge fills out and sends in the judge sheet. (Only one judge sheet will be submitted by the two judges.) The judge sheet is available on the portal site. Please make sure that there are no errors in the form. Please be sure to send the judge sheet before you go back to the Debate Room, and make brief comments to the students and announce the results.
試合後、ジャッジ2人はブレイクアウトルーム(例 Judge Room
⑦ Please be sure to return to the main room after each round, because there will be a roll call for the judges for the next round.
⑧ When someone drops, or communication problems happen during a match, please wait for a while until the problem is solved. If the connection is not re-established within five minutes, judges should contact the main room. Also, when you cannot hear what they are saying very well, the judges should stop them and resume the speech from the beginning.