The 16th Saitama Inaho Cup Inter-High School English Debate Tournament

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The Saitama Senior High School English Education&Research Association








1.目 的:ディベートをとおして生徒の英語での表現力やコミュニケーション能力を育成する。また,社会の様々な問題に興味・関心をもつ態度を養う。および,教員の研修とする。


2.主 催:埼玉県高等学校英語教育研究会(高英研)

3.後 援:埼玉県教育委員会


4.日 時:令和3年11月 6日(日)8:00~16:30(予定)





 ・予選R1 予選R2 予選R3 予選R4






5.会 場:出場校は各校でご対応ください。(参加者各自の自宅など)   

   大会本部:さいたま市立浦和高等学校 (予定)

  〒330-0073 埼玉県さいたま市浦和区元町1-28-17








7.表 彰:カップ,盾,賞状(優勝・準優勝・3位),パフォーマンス賞


















各試合の審査は基本的に,主催者が招待するチーフジャッジ1名(招待ジャッジ)と,対戦校以外の参加チームからのジャッジ2名(派遣ジャッジ)との合計3名で行います。 チーム(各校ではない)はジャッジ1名以上を必ず出してください。各試合の進行は,各チームからのチェアパーソン兼タイムキーパーで行います。その試合には出場しない生徒などを1名出していただき,その試合のチェアパーソン兼タイムキーパーを担当していただきます。




ジャッジには特別な資格は必要ありません。「ジャッジの先生方へ」(To the judges)を見てください。HEnDAの大会ルール」および「審査基準について」を理解し実践してくださる方であればどなたでもかまいません。日頃チームの指導をされている先生ならば最適です。研修会,練習会でジャッジの練習してください。「英語だから」などと言って,ルールやジャッジ基準を知らないALTなどに丸投げするなどの無責任なことは絶対にしないでください。ただ英語が分かるというだけでは本大会のジャッジはできません。深刻に考えすぎる必要はありませんが,生徒はジャッジの審査を受け入れるしかないということを忘れないでください。









9.論 題:

第16回 全国高校生英語ディベート大会“Online”論題

The Debate Topic of the 16th All Japan High School English Debate Tournament“Online”


Resolved: That the Japanese Government should relocate the capital functions out of Tokyo.



Background of the topic

Debates concerning the relocation of the capital functions out of Tokyo, were much more serious during the 1980s and the 90s. The Diet has adopted the resolution to relocate capital functions in the year 1990, and there is even an Act for the Relocation of the Diet and Other Organizations that was passed in 1992. It is unclear what the current government’s official position is; other than the planned Bunka-cho relocation (mentioned below in 4.), the resolution and the Act seems to be somehow virtually forgotten. But this does not mean that the topic’s relevance has diminished, or the topic is outdated. Rather, the problem of excessive concentration of social functions and population in the Tokyo metropolitan area may arguably be one of the most important issues that decide the long term future of Japan. Obviously, concerns over the prevention of future disasters, caused not just by earthquakes but also by pandemics, add renewed relevance in debating this topic.


Definitions (Tentative)

1. “out of Tokyo”:

Affirmative side (AFF) should propose where the “new capital” should be (the “Plan”), early in the constructive speech. AFF must select from one of the three areas that were proposed by the Prime minister’s advisory council in 1999: (1) the Tochigi-Fukushima area, (2) the Gifu-Aichi area, and (3) the Mie-Kio area.


If the AFF fails to designate the area of the new capital, the debate should proceed (by default) assuming that the capital functions would be relocated to (2) the Gifu-Aichi area. [You know, the 1st HEnDA tournament was held in Gifu! This provision is truly kind of tentative. The latitude of selecting the designated new capital may be either relaxed or narrowed after we have looked at the early debates.]

2. “relocate”:

It should be assumed that a new capital will be constructed with a smart, ecological city construction plan. The vacated governmental buildings and sites in Tokyo should be assumed to be either sold (to the private sector), reused (as public museums, theaters, etc.), or razed (making more parks, for disaster prevention etc.).

It should be assumed that the relocation process will take around 10-15 years.

3. “capital functions”:

“Capital functions” includes the state government central offices (the state administrative branch, the Ministries, the Agencies), the Diet (the state legislative branch: The House of Representatives, the House of Councilors and their relevant offices), and the center of juridical functions (the Supreme Court and its organizations).

“Capital functions” should not include the imperial palace (see 4. below), nor the cultural/educational institutions run by the state (such as theaters, museums, national universities etc. Of course, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology itself should be part of the above relocation).

The AFF may not propose to limit or make exceptions to the above “capital functions”: They should defend the position that all of these functions should be relocated to the designated “new capital.”

The AFF may not add plans to relocate other economic/societal functions in Tokyo. However, the demographical/economic impact of the relocation of capital functions are up to debate (using predictions based on evidence).

4. Exceptions

a) ADs and DAs concerning the relocation of the Imperial Palace and the emperor’s acts of state should not be debated within this topic. To be precise, the Japanese Constitution Art. 6 and 7, defines the emperor’s functions and acts of state: Appointment of the Prime Minister and the Supreme Court Chief Judge, legal promulgations, attestations of ambassadors, etc. However, we will not argue about where these ceremonial functions should take place, as they are trivial matters compared to the central questions of the topic, that is, whether we should let the proceeding concentration (of nearly everything!) in Tokyo continue or not.

b) The Agency for Cultural Affairs (Bunka-cho) is planned to be relocated to Kyoto in 2022. Please consider it also an exception: ADs and DAs concerning the relocation of Bunka-cho is out of this debate topic.

5. Negative side (NEG) position:

The NEG should support a policy that denies further relocation of capital functions outside of Tokyo. The AFF and NEG positions do not change even if the actual Japanese government should announce to relocate the capital functions (before the National tournament).

NB: The topic wording and definitions may be changed later.


10. その他





新しい情報が入り次第,メーリングリストや本ホームページ上でお知らせします。 県大会・全国大会の様子を高英研紀要『会報』に載せてあります。参考にしてください。






 【中止→ 第2回オンライン練習会・研修会(県内)9月19日()に変更 ←中止】                  

●サマーカップ(オンライン大会)(県内)         10月31日(日)

     第3回オンライン練習会(オープン)    10月 中止 

                 Make Friends Cup (ブロック大会)10月10日()

     埼玉いなほカップ出場申込み 9月24日(金)~10月12日(火)

●10月15日(金)第2回合同役員会13:30 さいたま市立浦和高校 


  第4回オンライン練習会(オープン)  中止


11月 6日(土)第16回埼玉いなほカップ高校生英語ディベートコンテスト

●12月14日(火)第3回合同役員会 やります

  (第16回全国高校生英語ディベート大会online 12月18日(土)19日(日))

     ウインターカップ練習会(オープン)       1月30日()9:00~16:00本部:市立浦和高校












