第4回 全国高校生英語ディベート大会で使用する論題の定義(補足規定と解説)


The Definition of the Resolution for the 4th AllJapanHigh School English Debate Tournament (Supplementary Regulations and Explanations)









前文 Preface






This “Definition” paper aims to clear the misunderstandings of this year’s debate topic, which was often variously interpreted and, in some cases, abusively interpreted in some district tournaments. This is not mere hints or suggestions, but an official statement authorized by the HEnDA council. It should be taken seriously and treated as supplements for the main tournament rulebook (“ground rules” for this year). We hope every team members and coaches read and understand the nature and limits of this year’s debate topic and share a common debating ground at the National Tournament.










1.論題:Debate Topic






The Japanese Government should prohibit worker dispatching (haken roudou).









2.論題の補足定義:Supplementary definition of the debate topic

















“worker dispatching”「派遣労働」とは,現行の「労働者派遣法」で規定され,認可された国内の間接雇用の労働制度全体のことをさすものとします。

"worker dispatching" should mean: A Japanese labor system of indirect employment, which is defined in the "Worker Dispatching Law (roudousha haken hou) "
(cf. http://www.japaneselawtranslation.go.jp/law/detail/&ky=dispatched+workers&page=5)


“prohibit” should mean: To totally prohibit the system of worker dispatching itself without exception. Thus the Affirmative team should not propose some partial prohibition of worker dispatching in some types of industries or undertakings, nor should they argue that some certain worker dispatching should be exceptionally continued. (For example, it is not allowed to propose prohibition of worker dispatching limited to daily worker dispatching only, or registration-type only. Also, it is not allowed to make translator dispatching or some specialized worker dispatching exceptions to the prohibition.)











3.プランの許容範囲:Supplementary “Plans (Planks)” that are permitted
















To avoid unnecessary confusion, the affirmative side can propose some additional concrete plans to execute the policy described by the topic. But these plans should be limited to some necessary minimum actions which are directly related in carrying out the policy.











The following are the examples of legitimate “plans”










Necessary modifications of related laws and local regulations should be done.

The nation and the workers should be publicly informed about the policy.

The policy should be carried out from 2013. We will take 3 years for publicity.

The budget concerning publicity and modification of the system should be no more than 1 billion yens annually.





Worker dispatching can be continued until the law is carried out, but dispatch agencies should be required to get consent with the workers so that no confusion will occur when the worker dispatching system terminates.

Related government agencies should check and punish the companies, so that underground dispatch undertakings should not take place.

Disguised subcontracts should be kept prohibited

















4.プランの反則:Abusive Plans












On the other hand, the Affirmative side cannot propose plans which only have indirect relations to the “prohibition of worker dispatching” defined as above. The following is a brief list of plans that are considered abusive. Judges will ignore the abusive portions of the plans that have no direct relation to the topic. Any ADs / DAs that stem from such abusive portion should also be ignored.


Especially, plans that “promote regular employment” were often seen in district tournaments, but those have no direct relation the prohibition, and are totally independent issues (you can promote regular employment without the prohibition of worker dispatching), hence should not be proposed.











Client companies of dispatched workers should be required to reemploy the workers as regular workers











Client companies of dispatched workers should be required to continue employing the workers.











Subsidies to promote regular employment should be given to client companies of dispatched workers.











Subsidies to promote reemployment of former dispatched workers should be given.











Dispatch agencies should be required to find new jobs for the former dispatched workers











Job training should be given to the unemployed.











Public/private job placement undertakings should be strengthened.











Housings or living expenses should be provided to the unemployed











All workers should be on the employment insurance list.











Minimum legal wages of each prefecture should be raised.











Daily part-time jobs should be prohibited.











Working hours of each regular employee should be shortened (promotion of work-life balance)











Companies should introduce 4 days a week shift to the regular employees and instead hire more regular employees (promotion of job-sharing).


















































It is important not to present abusive plans. Ask two questions to check whether your “plan” is abusive or not: A) Doesn’t your plan add extra elements other than the action required in the debate topic? B) Can’t your plan be implemented independently without the implementation of the debate topic?












4.1 プランの反則例の解説(正規雇用の義務化や促進)





















In some local tournaments, some teams proposed that “Client companies of dispatched workers should be required to reemploy the workers as regular workers” as their plan. But this is a typical example of an abusive and unfair plan. This year’s debate topic just focuses on the “prohibiting”, not requiring reemployments. “Required reemployment” plan neglects to prove what the AFF side is required to prove, so to allow such plan is very unfair for the NEG side (Plus, in real world policy, such requirement is not only difficult to carry out, it is also unconstitutional, no doubt. )


Obviously, it is totally OK to argue as a plan’s Advantage (AD) that the “prohibition” will cause “reemployment as regular workers”; namely, you should argue that the reemployment will increase by the effect of “prohibition” without any governmental requirements.







ディベート理論的には(専門用語ではextra topical1明らかに派遣労働の禁止だけでなく,正社員の雇用を義務化するという新たな要素を付け加えております。また 2) 雇用の義務化は,派遣労働を廃止しなくても現状でも十分に行える独立した問題です(現行の法規でも,3年間続けて派遣で雇ったら,一部の業種を除いて,労働者の要望に応じて正規雇用者として雇用しなおす義務が企業側には科されています。これを強化することは廃止せずともできます)。


























AD 正社員の増大























4.2 反則プランへの否定側の対応




















まずは質疑応答で,プランの中身を確認して,禁止以外の部分がないかチェックしてください“On your plan No. 3, you said you will promote regular employment, but this does not directly come from just prohibition of worker dispatching, does it?”

否定アタック(デメリットに関係する場合は否定立論で指摘するのも可能)で,プランの反則があることを,場合によってはこの文書をみせながらジャッジに訴えてください。“According to this year’s debate topic definitions, The AFF. should argue ADs that come from the prohibition itself. The AFF. cannot add plans that directly enhance the regular workers.”

否定側アタックでは,もし相手のADが,反則のプランから来ている場合は, “Their AD comes from the plan that has no direct connection to the prohibition itself. So please ignore it” 等とジャッジに訴えてください

反則のプランを用いて,DAの攻撃がされた場合は,否定立論や否定ディフェンスなどで,反則のプランによる攻撃は無効だとジャッジに訴えてください。例えば,“They attacked the DA arguing that their plan require companies to hire regular workers, however their plan itself is abusive, it has no direct relation to this debate topic. So their attack is invalid.”



















4.3 反則プランへの,ジャッジの対応

















Judges should ignore the abusive portions of the plans that have no direct relation to the topic, even if the Negative team fails to point that out. Any ADs / DAs that stem from such abusive portions should also be ignored.