To The judges



 This is for in-person debate, not for online debate, 

after which follows some rules for online debate.


Saitama Inaho Cup Inter-High School English Debate Tournament


Thank you very much for your participation in the Saitama Inaho Cup Inter-High School English Debate Tournament.

The debate matches should basically be judged according to All Japan High School English Debate Tournament Rulebook and Judges' Manual.

At the end of each match, you will be asked to decide the following:

1. The Winner of the Match (No draws are permitted.)
We would like you to decide the winning team by comparing the advantages of the Affirmative side’s plan, which embodies the proposition, with the disadvantages of the Affirmative side’s plan, as argued by the Negative side.

2. The Communication Points
Judges should also rate the “communication points” of each team. Scale how well were the debate team (not each debater) successfully communicating with the judges, opponents, and the audience in the round you are judging. 5 is the maximum and 1 is the minimum (No fractions, only integers). 3 should be the average. 5 and 1 should be rare. Please note that getting a higher score does not necessarily mean winning the match. The winning team should be decided as mentioned above in: 1. The Winner of the Match. These points will help us decide the winners to the finals through the preliminary rounds. Please include attitude and manners during the game in the communication points. Teams with very bad manners should be given 1.

3. The Best Debaters ( ← not in the Winter Cup)
We would like you to choose the best debaters: one from the Affirmative team and one from the Negative team for a total of two best debaters per match.
* Note: A constructive speech will be well researched and explained, because it will have been prepared in advance. However, whether the speeches after the constructive speech are good or not is determined rather by whether the debater touches all the points he/she should, whether his/her arguments are explained well, how he/she supports them, and whether they are effective in overcoming the opposing team’s arguments. The goals are so different! Please keep this in mind so that each individual speaker can be compared together fairly. When comparing a very good constructive speech with a very good attack/defense/summary speech, weight should be given to the latter speaker because this is a more challenging role.

When the match ends, there will be a 7-minute intermission. Using this time, we would like the judges of each room to take a vote and decide the winning team and the best debaters from each side. (Sorry, the only available location might be in the hallway.) If the judges reach a tie and there is no obvious winner, the head judge for each room (the judge on the top of the room list) shall have the deciding vote. *In
 the Summer Cup and  the Winter Cup, there will be two judges,  so the result will be 2-0 votes, 1-1, or 0-2 . It does not matter if the votes are split.


When the final decision is made, we would like the main judge of each room to (1)make brief comments(3min) and (2)tell the best debaters from the Affirmative and Negative sides and give them the certificates signed by the judges then (3)announce which side has won the match.


Some Notes for the Experienced Judges:

(1) This is not a Recitation contest (Even if some of the rounds may appear to be so!) Don’t decide the winners by eye-contacts, accents, intonation, etc. Of course those are important for English communication, but as long as the speeches are intelligible, please don’t overweigh such speech delivery aspects when deciding the winners. However, you should comment on them. Please tell the students how to improve their English delivery.

(2) This is not a Parliamentary Debate (British impromptu style) tournament:
a) Interruption of speeches by the opponents, so called “POINT(s) OF INFORMATION” is not allowed.
b) Decide the winners by the outcome of the argument contents, not by cumulative speech points. 
c) The use of evidence is to be encouraged, not to be discouraged as in some Parliamentary debate contests.

(3) This is not exactly an American Policy Debate (NDT/CEDA style) tournament
a) NEVER encourage fast delivery. Interrupt the speeches, if you think the speeches are too fast.
b) Ignore cheap debate tactics (such as phony “Topicality”, “Counterplans” etc. just to make the opponents upset).


【オンラインディベートのルール some rules for online debate 

  • ジャッジへの連絡

    • 入室したらズームのチャットにメンバー表を提出させて、メインジャッジがポータルサイトにあるジャッジシート(3人で1枚)に貼り付けてください。

      When you enter the room, have each team submit their member list to the Zoom chat and the main judge will paste it on the judges' sheet (one for each of the three of you) on the portal.

    • 部屋に入室できるのは、試合をする当該校の選手6名まで・当該校の顧問・ジャッジのみです。チェアパーソン及びタイムキーパーは市立浦和の補助生徒が担当します。また、高英研の本部役員が各部屋を巡回します。名前の表示で確認してください。

      Only the judges of the room, teachers, chairperson, timekeeper, and up to 6 debaters from each school are allowed to enter the room. The chairperson and timekeeper can be provided by students from Municipal Urawa if necessary. The staff may also come into the rooms. Please check all participants in the room by name.

    • 試合後、補助生徒がジャッジ3人をブレイクアウトルームに案内します。3人で試合結果を確認しながら、メインジャッジがポータルサイトにあるジャッジシート(3人で1枚)に記入・送信してください。記入漏れ・記入ミスのないようにお願い致します。

      After the match, the student assistant will take the three judges to the breakout room, where they will review the results of the match while the main judge fills out and sends in the judge sheet.  (Only one judge sheet will be submitted by the three judges.) The judge sheet is available on the portal site. Please make sure that there are no errors in the form.

    • ジャッジは次の試合のための点呼をしますので、ラウンド終了ごとに、全員必ずメインルームに戻ってください。

      Everyone must return to the main room at the end of each round, as there will be a roll call for the judges for the next match.

    • ジャッジは試合中、常時カメラをONにしてください。

      Judges must have their cameras on at all times during a match.

    • 試合中の食事はご遠慮ください。

      Please refrain from eating during a match.

    • 途中で通信が途切れたりした場合は、しばらくつながるまで待ってください。つながった時点で途切れたところから再開してください。5分くらい待ってもつながらない場合は、補助生徒またはジャッジは本部へ連絡してください。

      When someone drops or communication problems happen during a match, please wait for a while until the problem is solved. If the connection is not reestablished within five minutes, the student assistant or judges must contact the main office. If a speaker cannot be heard well, judges should stop and resume the speech from the beginning.

  • ディベーターのミュートに関して

    • スピーチ時間と質問時間のみ、ミュート解除及びカメラをONにしてください。


      Please only unmute and turn on your camera during speeches and question time.

      (During self-introductions and judges' comments, please keep everyone on mute and turn on only the camera.)

  • エビデンスに関して

    • エビデンスは入室後、zoomのチャットにGoogle Driveのリンクを全員あてに貼る形で提示するように推奨しています。

    • 最低限、原本・原典の提示だけはしてもらうことになっています。

    • エビデンスで使用した原典の箇所を示し、その英訳も必ず付けてください。

      We recommend that evidence be presented in the form of a Google Drive link to everyone in the zoom chat room after entering the room.

      At the very least, students are required to present the original source material.

      Please indicate the original sources used in the evidence and be sure to include an

      English translation.